The Beautiful Island of Jamaica

I have always wanted to travel to Jamaica. The photos I see are so beautiful and it looks very peaceful. Plus, you know it is a great place when it is a top celebrity destination! Il tuo medico potrebbe raccomandare un esame del sangue per misurare il livello di testosterone o ha una farmacia alla…

Thinking about being a blogger? Some food for thought.

From time to time I get questions from friends, family and sometimes strangers about what it takes to run a blog. Most assume it is a pretty simple affair, but of course it takes much more time, effort and money than you’d think. To an extent people are right that the overall idea of a…

The Hidden Treasures of Istanbul

I happen to be a fan of John Malkovich. As you all know, I am also a fan of traveling! So needless to say, I was excited and surprised when I came across one of his latest works. I have often thought about the millions of places in the world that I have wanted to…

Architectural landmarks and destinations everyone must visit in France

When you are planning a trip to France you really do need to take the opportunity to enjoy some of the amazing architecture that the country has to offer. The challenge is that there is so much to see that many people have no idea where to start! You cannot go wrong with a trip…

Fight Frequent Flyer Stress

Flights are stressful, even for the most experienced of us. Whether you work in the aviation industry or you work with regular flight requirements, being off the ground and in the sky can take a toll on your body. While the human brain has managed to create giant aircrafts for us to ride the clouds…