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Captain Cook

Captain Cook Farm Animals

I’ve run into quite the collection of critters while working on the farm here in Captain Cook. We see plenty of chickens and roosters while working in the fields. None of them are “ours” necessarily. They’re just wild chickens that roam the grounds of the farm. I’ve seen a few of them protecting eggs and have even seen a group of chicks following their mama chicken across a spot of land. Geckos run wild here and dominate most of the bushes and leafy areas around the farm. Farm Animals | Captain Cook

We found a pretty strange chameleon-like creature with horns and whatnot on it. That was actually pretty terrifying! Didn’t know Captain Cook had so many different kinds of creatures!

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Captain Cook

I think the most peculiar animals we’ve seen were some wild turkeys that charged at me and Kris while we were out working. They were HUGE!

Categories: Featured, Hawaii, Sightseeing

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