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Russian Beverages

Russian Beverages


Russian Beverages

Probably the first thing you think about when you hear Russia. The popular beverage is produced in variety of ways throughout the country. Grain based and potato based vodkas are the most popular forms and they are often flavored with a variety of ingredients ranging from hot peppers to fruits and berries. Vodka comprises of 70 % of the alcohol consumption in Russia today.


Russian Beverages

A sweet low alcohol drink similar to mead, Meadouvkha is made with fermented honey with addition of various spices.  The drink is the most ancient of Russian beverages and takes about 15 years to ferment. Reserved for nobility in the 14th the invention of a distilling tank made the drink more accessible to the masses. Today Medouvkha is drunk more as a novelty as vodka has become ever more popular in the country. Pairs great with some of Russia’s best entrees.

Categories: Food & Drink, Russia

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