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Refrigerators for Modern Kitchens

Smeg Refrigeration has become a huge hit everything from ultra-modern and high-tech kitchen appliances, through to the now iconic retro 50’s fridge styling.

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The origins of the company were way back in the 19th century in Northern Italy.  Originally the Bertazzoni family were blacksmiths, which evolved in to metal enamelling. 

It was this growth and development all those years ago, which led to the first cooker being displayed at the world expo in 1906 in Milan.

Since then, the company has grown to become one of the most successful and loved brands the world over, producing all of the fridge freezer products we love, along with oven hoods and everything else between. 

For me personally though, it has always been the iconic Smeg retro fridge with all the different colours that I love, but each to their own style choices. 

Categories: Design