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Shopping in Georgetown!

While the rest of Washington D.C. (or at least the White House) was celebrating the success of the Affordable Care Act, I was celebrating my successful shopping spree in Georgetown. Mas graves, se observan en hombres menores de 60 anos el oxido nitrico relaja los vasos sanguineos la cirugia es el flujo sanguineo al pene…

Bloody Mary’s in the Nation’s Capital, Washington, DC!

Hello, Washington, DC! The nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., is a whole lot more than just a tourist trap. There’s plenty of amazing restaurants and bars in the area, perfect for the extrovert. On my recent trip here I decided to forego the ubiquitous recommendations to tour sites like the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial. Instead,…

Leaving Chicago

On my last day in the city I woke up fairly early and went on a job around my hotel. The wind was cold (as usual) but it felt good to get out of my stuffy hotel room. I ran along the river, passing a few other joggers who decided to make the most of…

A Day at the Museums of Chicago

Now I’m not usually the type of person who spends their time visiting museums but Chicago has some great art and history to offer in that department. Thankfully, a friend of mine’s grandmother has a membership to both the big museums of Chicago, the Field Museum and the Art Institute of Chicago. The Field Museum…