So I’ve been looking for a camera for awhile now, I regret to mention I abandoned my last one on a train in my own haste to leave. I’ve done a little poking around and I stumbled upon the Panasonic TZ 40, an impressive little digital camera with a whole array of features useful for anyone traveling.
When you do what we do — traveling the world at such a rapid rate — the most important thing to bring along is a camera. Trust me! The longer you travel, the more you’ll find even the nicest smartphone just doesn’t get the job done alone; there’s far too many conditions to account for to get the perfect shot. That being said, I fell in love with the Panasonic TZ 40 for its ability to capture great pictures with the versatility of my phone.
Money is always tight on the road, and while I can easily justify the investment, I decided to enter a contest to win a Panasonic TZ 40. I figure that with losing my original camera on a train, my luck could only improve. Check out a video for the camera below that sold me, as well as details about the contest below!
For more info, check out,
Categories: Travel Tips