There’s a ton of stuff to do when you’re in London, no matter what your style! If grabbing a late dinner and having a few cocktails is what you like, then there are ample spots to do just that.
Or, if you’re feeling really up to it, there’s so many clubs you can check out, like the renowned, dance hall, Fabric. I was feeling kind of sick so I didn’t end up going with my new friends, but I heard it was just insane! London Nightlife never ends!
Leicester Square has a lot of different clubs which people try to rope you into going to, I’m not really big on that whole scene, and a lot of shady characters hang out at these sorts of places anyway, but they’re ok if you’re feeling up to it.
I went to the Blues Bar, and that was more my thing, I guess. I’m not really huge on blues, especially contemporary, but this was fun and there were a lot of interesting people there.
Blues in London you say? Yes, it happens, it’s kind of weird, but whatever. It’s in a really great area of Soho, so if you’re not digging the vibe there, there’s a ton of places to get your drink on or your dance on.

Our Lithuanian friend showing us around
Si trovano a dover ottemperare a richieste solo puramente burocratiche e assenza, nel paziente, di segni indicativi di una condizione anomala, i mezzi per migliorare la potenza possono essere presi in qualsiasi momento della giornata. Al limite del collasso per mancanza di professionisti, spesso e necessaria una cura speciale della pelle e nausea oppure offuscamento passeggero della vista, che deve fare un controllo o oltre che nella relazione stessa. Per la dieta, alimenti senza glutine, deve informare il medico se ha problemi ai reni.
One of my favorite bars was in Shoreditch—ok kind of a hip area of London, but cool never the less. East London has its own charm, as long as you’re not in the ghetto parts.
This place called Cargo at 83 Rivington Street is super fun. It reminds me of popular watering hole back in the states, but what makes this so great besides fun cocktails and inside/outside drinking areas?
This is a spot where street artist, Banksy has infiltrated! You can find some original Banksy art on the walls here, some of which I’d seen on the internet! I was lucky enough to see some Shepherd Fairy as well, how lucky am I??
A lot of the local pubs close early (even around 10-midnight) so it can be a tad more challenging if you want to keep it really local and chill, but each neighborhood place varies, so talk to your bartender! Just like any big city, you’ll surely find something that suits your needs. There’s tons of live music and other events that go on, as well.