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using free travel apps

Most Useful (Free) Travel Apps

Today’s technology, mainly our phone, allows us some very useful opportunities for making our lives easier. One area your phone is particularly useful is while traveling. You can use your phone to look up the best local places to eat, the cheapest hotel prices, and the best attractions. There are also more applications that are downloadable (and free) and will provide you even more assistance on your trip than those mentioned above.


With postagram, you can send your photos as a postcard, along with a personal message, for just 99 cents! Postage is included in that dollar. This app makes sending postcards with your own pictures and messages a piece of cake. Your mom will love getting that postcard of you at the Eiffel Tower, and you don’t have to print it out yourself.

Google Translate

When traveling abroad, there’s no greater headache than not knowing the local language. Google translate can translate whole paragraphs of text and spoken words in the blink of an eye. Dependably accurate, this handy, pocket-sized native, will help you in any country.

Gas Buddy

two girls using travel apps to get aroundWhen you’re driving around a foreign city on empty, you’ll appreciate this app. Gas Buddy tells you where the closest gas stations are, along with a pricing approximation. It can help you get gas quickly, cheaply, and without the hassle of using an outside map. As another neat feature of the app, Gas Buddy also offers user review of restrooms. Road trip rest stops no longer have to be a crap shoot for quality bathrooms.

Gate Guru

Gate Guru is an app that comes in handy while flying for trips. The app will give you updates on delays, layover times, gate changes, airport amenities, and more flight information. Gate Guru also will give you TSA security wait time estimates. This helps you plan your trip down to how far in advance you should arrive at the airport and where you’ll eat once you get to the airport. Beyond the flight, you can also use the app to get your rental car.

Categories: Fun Stuff, Travel Tips

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