Operating my own business had always been a dream of mine. Being my own boss would allow me to travel more often and personally dictate my itinerary – no more submitting a time-off request with bated breath, waiting to purchase transportation till the last minute and spending a small fortune.
When I finally gathered enough experience to launch my operation – a few hiccups along the way – I enjoyed some immediate success. Could managing my own startup really be this straightforward? I almost had to pinch myself time and again that first year.
Have you heard the expression, ‘more money, more problems’? There is some innate truth behind it. As my company began to grow, it became exceedingly difficult to keep things organized from the road. I found myself putting off travel opportunities – trips that often proved critical to expanding my business – because I couldn’t keep internal affairs in order.
I had to develop my own solutions, many of which weren’t very pretty. The worst thing you can do as a business operator is make your valued employees feel as though you’re dropping the ball. For years I got by merely on the skin of my teeth until I found a very simple way to manage – it all happened with the power of the cloud.
Deputy solves everyday problems for business owners, all through the comfort and familiarity of an iPad. Productivity has since hit an all-time high.
No matter where I am in the world, I can assign tasks to my team and even receive a notification following their completion. The lines of communication remain open; everyone with access to the system can create announcements. I can easily substitute employees out and track shift change hours with a dynamic interface.
Everything is better in the cloud. I can’t tell you how much time I’ve wasted focusing on shuffling my employees and not focusing on my business. Deputy has given me the freedom to focus on improving my business, making it an invaluable tool for day-to-day operations.
Regardless if you’re a vagabond or not, Deputy can streamline your administrative efforts. I highly recommend it!
Categories: Lifestyle