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Custer State Park

South Dakota’s Custer State Park

The great adventures continue in South Dakota with Custer State Park. From the wildlife to the scenic formations, there is a lot of beauty to take in. Mount Rushmore is located in the park and that is just the start of all of the historical things to check out.

There is a 14-mile road that leads through Custer State Park. There are a lot of twists and turns, but there is no better view of the gorgeous pine trees and the rest of the forests. There are also plenty of animals to see. You can catch glimpses of elk, bighorn sheep, mule deer, buffalo and even a mountain lion. The Highway 240 Loop is scenic drive or even a great place to hike. The landscape is breathtaking and there are canyons, buttes and plenty of wildlife to view.

During the month of September, the state hosts the Buffalo Roundup. Each year, cowboys get the chance to roundup a herd of over 1,300 bison that happen to roam through Custer State Park. After the roundup, all of the buffalo are vaccinated and checked out. You can enjoy watching the event and then catching a bite to eat at the chuck wagon lunch.

About 70 years ago, Korczak Ziolkowski started to work on a sculpture of Crazy Horse on the side of a mountain. Ziolkowski ended up passing away before he could finish, so his family finished the head of Crazy Horse in 1998. It ended up being 87-feet and they are working on his arm now. Visitors get the chance to view this work of art up close and personal.

Categories: Fun Stuff, Sightseeing