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Angels Landing — Zion National Park

A few months back, we were lucky enough to explore the lovely and enchanting Zion National Park in southern Utah. While we loved all the hikes we were able to do on our trip, there was one hike in particular that stuck in our mind the most: Angels Landing. Our readers also had a number of questions regarding the hike, so we decided to revisit our incredible time on Angels Landing and help answer some questions our readers have been having.

What to wear when hiking Angels Landing

If you’re planning for an incredible hiking trip in Utah, you’re probably wondering what to wear when hiking Angels Landing. A virtual hiker’s paradise, Angels Landing is not for any inexperienced enthusiast of the recreational activity. So does that require any special clothing or gear?

Our most important advice to you is to wear enough loose fitting clothing to keep you comfortable, anything that’s easy to move around in. Athletic pants and shirts – essentially your average hiking gear – are excellent to bring along for your trip to Angels Landing. If you’re ditching the long sleeves, still make sure to apply the proper amount of sunblock before setting out.

Keeping your eyes shaded and out of direct sunlight is also an excellent option here. We recommend taking along hats with larger brims and considering an additional pair of sunglasses as well. Make sure any accessories you bring along are fairly inexpensive – you won’t want to run the risk of losing or damaging property along the steeper embankments.

While there’s plenty of chained rails for you to grip along your trek, depending upon how much grip you apply, bringing along a pair of gloves can protect your hand from developing any calluses.

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Should I Bring Food on the Angels Landing Hike?

It might sound naïve, but many people find themselves asking should I bring food on the Angels Landing Hike? Before actually setting out. This topic is obviously a bit subjective.

Apart from its unparalleled scenic views, Angels Landing is vastly more intensive than your average hike. The intensive nature of the Angels Landing hike certainly merits some smaller items to be carried up on the trail to keep your energy up.

Food is a great idea on the trail but you’ll want to consume it sparingly. If you’re feeling exhaustion, stop wherever appropriate to give your body a rest and refuel with a healthy snack or other light fare.

Think small item, big energy – protein bars and sacks of nuts will easily fit in any fanny pack or hiking bag and provide your body with the right amount of fuel to keep pressing on. Dried fruit can provide you with some worthy nourishment here as well. You can even design a trail mix beforehand – make sure to incorporate some natural, healthy ingredients that sit easily in your stomach.

The trick here is feeling satisfied without filling up – you won’t want anything causing you to feel overly sluggish when you’re in the midst of Angels Landing.

How Long Does Angels Landing Take?

Are you wondering how long does Angels Landing take to hike? This answer can vary dramatically depending on several key factors: Age, experience and physical fitness.

Angels Landing is measured at 2.4 miles (3.9 km) in length, the last half-mile of which is considered far more strenuous than the initial walkabout sections. This last push of the hike is littered with steep drop offs and narrow paths – the park provides chains to grip for you to conquer the summit at 5,790 feet.

The average time to complete Angels Landing is anywhere around an 1.5 – 2 hours, from departure to return. While the majority of the trail can be considered easy to moderate stretches of terrain, the last stretch is considered more intensive and difficult – how you fare in the last stretch will really determine your speed of completion.

Hiking Angels Trumpet will generally take you longer than the average hike for different reasons than the rough terrain near the summit – there’s an overwhelming amount of views to enjoy that will stop you in your tracks. You may even consider adding at least 45 – 60 minutes of time to your completion rate if you’re the photogenic type.

Remember to enjoy the trail and travel at a reasonable enough speed to conserve your energy toward the back end – you’ll need it!

How Many People Have Died Hiking Angels Landing?

Wondering how many people have died hiking Angels Landing? Your curiosity is warranted – citing the fatality rate is an excellent way to understand how extreme certain trails are as well as reminding us that any hike demands to be taken seriously.

The fact is fatalities can happy – but mostly result from inexperience or not properly adhering to safety guidelines. Since Zion National Park has opened, a total of 5 falling fatalities have occurred within Angels Landing. This is the highest amount of falling fatalities within Zion National Park behind the Emerald Pools location, which has 7 recorded deaths.

How can you avoid the worst case scenario? Any experienced hiker knows they’re better off bringing someone along. Regardless of bringing someone along for the hike, it’s important to make sure a third party knows your whereabouts.

The general rule of thumb is you always need to plan for the unexpected. Understand fatalities are rare but do typically occur when hikers don’t observe the appropriate etiquette on their journey to the summit. Take your time and assist anyone in your party that seems to express difficulty.

Remember: Never venture outside of the designated trailheads and never advance any further than you believe you’re personally capable of doing.


Categories: National Parks, Zion National Park

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