Monthly Archives: April 2018

Working on Your Own? A Look at Internet Cafes and Fed Ex Shops

The coffee shops and internet cafes of Los Angeles have become something of clichés when it comes to being populated by people working on their screenplays. The coffee shops, diners, and internet cafes of the Upper West Side have never fallen victim to being classified as one sort of cliché or another. Rather, the internet…

Businesses You Can Run Successfully While Traveling

You may be at a juncture in your life at which you would like to travel a bit more than you’ve been able to do historically. This desire may be coupled with the fact that you’re also interested in working for yourself. With the advent of these two desires, you want to identify a business…

Strange and Unusual Destinations in North Dakota

North Dakota is a state with many wide open places. It is also home to a number of tourist destinations that are frequently visited by travelers. In addition to some of the better known tourist destinations, there are also some strange or unusual sites to be seen in North Dakota. The Pyramid of North Dakota…

A Moment in Time: The 65,000 Square Foot Las Vegas Mansion of Phyllis McGuire

Phyllis McGuire is the youngest of three women who performed in a musical trio in the 1950s and beyond as the McGuire sisters. They were staples on television in the 1950s and 1960s. In time, they became popular in Las Vegas. Although the McGuire Sisters had a decent following during the life of the trio,…